Blog Articles

  • How To Get Into Digital Marketing Without a Degree? – Debunking the Myth

    In my odyssey through the dynamic and ever-evolving realm of digital marketing, a persistent question has continually fueled my curiosity: Does holding a degree truly unlock the gates to success in this fast-paced arena? Come along as we embark on a journey through the expansive landscape of digital marketing, together challenging the conventional wisdom that…

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  • Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Small Business?

    Alright, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the wild world of digital marketing. No corporate jargon, no fancy suits—just you, me, and the internet. Ever wondered why having a killer online presence is like having a secret weapon for businesses these days? Well, let’s strip away the techy talk and explore how this…

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  • Will Digital Marketing Replace Traditional Marketing?

    Ever found yourself caught between the nostalgia of flipping through a magazine and the allure of a perfectly targeted Instagram ad? If so, you’re not alone. The marketing landscape, once dominated by the comforting familiarity of billboards and radio jingles, is now a dynamic arena where pixels and hashtags hold equal sway. On my personal…

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  • How Digital Marketing Affects Consumer Behaviour?

     In my years as a digital marketing professional, I’ve seen firsthand how the field has evolved from traditional tactics to the digital-centric strategies of today. The journey began in the 90s with the rise of the internet, a time when marketing started to shift online, opening new doors for engagement and audience reach. This evolution…

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  • Strategies to Accelerate Exiting Facebook Ads Learning Phase – Maximize Efficiency

     In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, Facebook Ads have emerged as a crucial tool for businesses looking to expand their online presence and reach their target audience effectively. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers a vast and diverse platform for advertisers. However, harnessing this potential requires a deep understanding of its…

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  • How Does Google Ads Generate Responsive Search?

     Have you ever wondered how Google seems to read your mind, presenting the perfect ad at just the right moment? Picture this: you’re planning a weekend getaway, and as you search for ‘best weekend destinations,’ a Google ad pops up showcasing amazing hotel deals in your dream location. It’s almost like magic, but it’s actually…

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  • How To Track and Analyze Google Ads In Google Analytics?

    In the digital realm where I carve out my corner, Google Ads acts as my beacon, casting a light on my offerings to attract passersby in the bustling market of the internet. It’s the tool I use to display my ads directly in the line of sight of potential customers on Google’s search results and…

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  • Does Digital Marketing Work For All Businesses?

    Does Digital Marketing Work For All Businesses?

    When I first dipped my toes into the vast ocean of digital marketing, I was met with a whirlwind of terms like SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and content marketing. At its core, digital marketing is the art and science of promoting products or services using digital channels to reach consumers. It’s a broad term…

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